Kevin Fitz-Gerald and Sharon Lavery perform with the Downey Symphony Orchestra
On May 7 at 8 p.m., Thornton Keyboard Studies Department Professor Kevin Fitz-Gerald performed as a soloist with the Downey Symphony Orchestra in “Third Time’s A Charm,” an evening of music featuring Mozart’s overture to Don Giovanni and Beethoven’s Concerto for Violin, Cello and Piano in C Major, Op. 56. The symphony, which features many… Continue reading Kevin Fitz-Gerald and Sharon Lavery perform with the Downey Symphony Orchestra
Julie Landsman featured on the cover of International Musician
USC Thornton Winds & Percussion Department faculty member Julie Landsman was featured on the cover of International Musician, the official publication of the American Federation of Musicians. The feature celebrates Landsman’s decades-long legacy of pioneering achievement in a male-dominated field and how she’s set the tone for a generation of students. “I give my heart… Continue reading Julie Landsman featured on the cover of International Musician
Anders Peterson wins second prize in clarinet competition
USC Thornton clarinet performance major Anders Peterson won second prize in the classical clarinet category of the 2022 Vandoren Emerging Artist (VEA) Solo Competition. The VEA competition began in 2010 as a way to identify the next generation of great clarinetists and saxophonists and acknowledge them for their talent, hard work and artistry. As the… Continue reading Anders Peterson wins second prize in clarinet competition