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    USC Collegium Musicum: Sing Joyfully–The Music of William Byrd

    November 15, 2023
    8:00 p.m.

    The USC Collegium Musicum honors the 400th anniversary of Renaissance composer William Byrd’s death with “Sing Joyfully: The Music of William Byrd.”
    The event features a pre-concert lecture with Dr. Kerry McCarthy at 7:00 p.m.


    “Monsieur’s Almaine”

    William Byrd/Thomas Morley
    First Book of Consort Lessons (1599)

    “See Mine Own Sweet Jewel”

    Thomas Morley
    Canzonets to Three Voices (1593)

    Joyne Hands

    Thomas Morley

    “My Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home”

    John Dowland/William Byrd
    Folger Lute-book (1594)

    “Susanna Fair”

    William Byrd
    Songs of Sundrie Natures (1589)

    “Kyrie Eleison”

    William Byrd
    Mass for Three Voices (1593/94)

    “Twenty ways upon the bells”

    Thomas Robinson
    Schoole of Musicke (1603)

    Agnus Dei

    William Byrd

    “Come my Celia”

    Alfonso Ferrabosco
    Volpone (1605)

    “Pavan to Delight”

    John Johnson (arr. Jason Yoshida)
    Brogyntyn Lute-book (1595)
    Willoughby Lute-book (1560-85)
    Folger Lute-book (c. 1594)

    The Nightingale so Pleasant

    William Byrd

    “Le Rossignol”

    Jane Pickeringe Lute-book (1616)

    “Darke is my Delight”

    Egerton MS. 2971 (c. 1620-30)

    “Mr. Dowland’s Midnight”

    John Dowland
    Margaret Board Lute-book (c. 1620-30)

    “Delight is Dead”

    William Byrd
    Paston Lute-book: British Museum Add. MS. 31992 (c. 1600)

    “Adoramus te Christe”

    William Byrd
    Gradualia I (1605)

    “Lulla Lullaby”

    William Byrd
    Psalmes, Sonets and Songs (1588)


    Gregorio Huwet
    A Varietie of Lute Lessons (1610)

    “Agnus Dei”

    William Byrd
    Mass for Four Voices (1592-93)

    “The Marche Before the Battel”

    William Byrd
    My Lady Nevells Booke of Virginal Music (1581-1591)

    “A Diew My Former Pleasure”

    ed. Ross Duffin
    A Musicall Banquet of Daintie Conceits (1588)

    My Lord Oxenford’s Maske

    William Byrd


    Special Guests
    Kerry McCarthy
    Ross Duffin
    Beverly Simmons

    USC Collegium Musicum
    Mana Azimi, harp
    Adam Gilbert, recorder*
    Rotem Gilbert, recorder*
    Janina Kalisnik, lute, baroque guitar
    Luis Lechuga-Espadas, counter-tenor, recorder
    Eleanor Walters, soprano
    Robert Wang, lute
    Hejun Yang, virginal
    Jason Yoshida, lute, renaissance guitar*
    * denotes USC Thornton Early Music faculty