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  • Elizabeth (Liddy) Clark

    Major: Music Industry

    Minor: Business

    Graduation year: 2021

    Hometown: Parkland, FL

    USC Organizations: Concerts Committee

    Hashtag to describe yourself: #workinprogress

    Describe your favorite USC Thornton experience so far.

    When John Mayer (my all-time favorite artist and songwriting inspiration) showed up in my pop forum class last semester.

    What was your favorite USC GE class?

    MUSC200 The Broadway Musical: Reflections of Americans Diversity.

    What is your favorite thing about being in Los Angeles?

    The variety of activities people can do throughout their time here.

    What is something you wish you knew when you were applying to college?

    Don’t be afraid to ask questions! College is a lot less scary than you can imagine it to be.

    Where is your favorite place on campus?

    Either the courtyards in the USC Village or Ronald Tutor Campus Center area.

    What is your favorite thing about being a student at the Thornton School?

    The variety of talented and driven people you can meet.

    Why did you choose the Thornton School?

    I feel that at USC Thornton, I don’t have to choose between music and academics because the school is so exceptional in each aspect. I feel that if I were to find a random passion of mine at USC, the professors of that department would be top notch and I would not regret my decision to come to Thornton. USC is also one of the only music schools that has a fantastic football team!