USC Thornton Winds
all events
Friday, 3/31 -
7:30 pm -
Bovard Auditorium (ADM)
Guest conductor Col Jason K Fettig, director of the President’s Own Marine Band, leads the USC Thornton Winds in a performance featuring Thornton faculty soloist Thomas Hooten.
Col. Jason K. Fettig is the 28th director of “The President's Own” United States Marine Band. Thomas Hooten is a Thornton faculty member and principal trumpet with the Los Angeles Philharmonic.
Admission and Attendance Guidelines:
Admission is free and open to the public.
For the health and safety of the USC Thornton community, the school is following attendance guidelines of the university and the County of Los Angeles for our events. Please be sure to check our attendance guidelines webpage before attending an event at USC Thornton.