Photo of composer Rohan Chander accepting the 2022 Gaudeamus Award.

Rohan Chander wins the Gaudeamus Award 2022

Composer and USC Thornton Composition program alum Rohan Chander (MM ‘22) won the Gaudeamus Award, a prestigious, international award for young composers. The announcement was made at the Gaudeamus Festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands on Sept. 11.

A composer and performer who performs as BAKUDI SCREAM, Chander was one of the five finalists selected from over 200 submissions from around the world. In announcing the award, the jury — which included Thornton Composition program associate professor Ted Hearne, who won the award in 2009 – wrote: “Rohan Chander is an electronic artist and world-builder who demonstrates the ability to synthesize various and disparate elements into a clear, considered and identity-driven work.”

TAGS: Classical Performance and Composition, Composition,