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  • Samuel Avila

    Major: Choral Music

    Minor: Musical Theatre

    Graduation year: 2023

    Hometown: North Hills – Los Angeles, California

    USC Organizations: USC Chamber Singers, The SoCal Vocals, USC American Choral Directors Association Secretary, USC Musical Theatre Repertory Public Relations Board Member, TCEP (Thornton Community Engagement Program)

    Hashtag to describe yourself: #sorryihaverehearsal

    Describe your favorite USC Thornton experience so far.

    My favorite experience at Thornton was going on tour with USC’s Concert Choir in Las Vegas, Performing in Bovard Auditorium for our annual Winter Gala for the first time, and getting to meet Eric Whitacre at LAX.

    What was your favorite USC GE class?

    My favorite USC GE class was actually my freshman seminar class called Divine Women in the West – Their Rise and Fall. This class always challenged me to engage in thoughtful conversations with other freshman about gender and spirituality. This class was interesting and would definitely recommend for a freshman GESM!!!

    What is your favorite thing about being in Los Angeles?

    Being a native to LA, My favorite thing about living in LA is the diversity of cultures, languages, food and music! Getting the opportunities to attend concerts of all different types of genres, walking down Melrose Avenue, or getting to drive down Mulholland (and yes it is all just like the movies!). LA is truly one of the premier cultural melting pots in the world.

    What is something you wish you knew when you were applying to college?

    Never be afraid to ask for help.

    Where is your favorite place on campus?

    Hammocking on Thornton Lawn is the BEST.

    What is your favorite thing about being a student at USC Thornton?

    My favorite thing about being a student in Thornton is the amazing opportunity to branch outside of your major and broaden your musicianship by taking courses in different departments. Being a choral music major, I had the chance to take classes in pop music and musical theatre. Here at Thornton you are never confined to any singular path, you are allowed to be whoever you want to be!

    Why did you choose USC Thornton?

    I chose to attend Thornton School of Music because I wanted to immerse myself in a community of musicians and faculty that would ultimately challenge me both academically and musically. As well as pursue a one of a kind education in choral music here in LA!