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  • Rozzi Crane

    Rozzi Crane tours with Maroon 5

    While still a senior in the popular music program, Rozzi hit the road opening for Maroon 5.


    Rozzi Crane, a 21-year-old singer from northern California, held her own graduation party earlier than planned this spring. While the end of her four-years at Thornton approached, she went on tour with Maroon 5 as a featured performer, stepping out to sing to thousands of fans each night on stages across the country, from Staples Center to Madison Square Garden.

    Later this summer, she will take her own band out as the opening act on Maroon 5’s summer blockbuster tour, all in support of her upcoming album—the first release of Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine’s new record label, 222 Records.

    The online magazine SheKnows sat down with Crane hours before she took the stage for the first time at the Staples Center, just a stone’s throw from the USC campus.

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    TAGS: Contemporary Music, Popular Music,

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