Chrysa Kovach profiled in Vanderbilt Magazine
USC Thornton Music Teaching and Learning department alumna Chrysa Kovach (MM ’21) was profiled in Vanderbilt Magazine on her work in music accessibility. The article highlighted Kovach’s career trajectory after attending Vanderbilt University’s Blair School of Music, coming to Thornton, and making a difference in her community.
During her graduate studies at Thornton, Kovach began to assist with The CI Music Hour, an initiative of USC’s Bionic Ear Lab, that connects cochlear implant recipients with music resources. She also developed a partnership between the Neighborhood Music School in Los Angeles and the John Tracy Center, a local preschool for children with hearing loss.
“It’s advocacy to show that those with hearing loss can take part in music and enjoy it,” Kovach said. “It’s going to be different, and it might be difficult, but it can be done.”
Kovach currently manages the Thornton Community Engagement Program.
Photo courtesy of USC Thornton Community Engagement Program.