Stop Asian Hate: A Message to the Thornton Community from the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Stop Asian Hate: A message from the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

A message to the USC Thornton Community from the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) Committee of USC Thornton.

We are heartbroken and horrified by the tragedy that occurred this week in Atlanta, specifically aimed at women and members of the Asian-American community. We are grappling with feelings of grief, anger, and hopelessness—feelings further amplified against the backdrop of increased, vicious, and public acts of anti-Asian hate.

As the struggle for racial justice persists, we grieve the intensified violence and injustice against Asians and Asian-Americans that we have seen in recent months. These crimes fall at the intersection of gender-based violence, misogyny and xenophobia.

We stand in unequivocal solidarity with the Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander and Desi American (APIDA) members of our community amid the horrific increase of anti-Asian and anti-Asian American racism and violence taking place across the country. Since March 2020, has documented over 3,795 reports of anti-Asian hate. We denounce such violence against any member of humanity and those who perpetrate such violence must be held accountable.

These acts of discrimination and violence are part of deep systemic racism that has scapegoated minoritized communities for centuries. We pledge to redouble our efforts, continuing our anti-racist work and education, and to combat white supremacy in all its forms.

For now, we say to you, our Asian and Asian American communities, we know you are hurting. We see you and we love you. We are here to provide a platform to tell your stories, to hold you up, and to value you.

USC Thornton’s Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) Committee works to advance the school’s commitment to equity in our classrooms, concert halls and community. The committee is made up of students, faculty, and staff from across the school. Click here for more information.