Caleb Durant (he/him)

Major(s): BM French Horn Performance

Minor(s): Music Recording

Class of 2024

Hometown: Fresno, CA

USC Organizations: USC LDSSA (Latter-day Saint Student Association)

What is your favorite place on campus and why?

As a music student this is super basic, but the Ramo Lawn is a great place to relax, read a book, and slow things down. Also a great place to warm up if you can do it quietly.

What is your go-to place for a delicious snack/meal on or around campus?

Taco Zone on 29th and Vermont is always a solid choice.

What is your favorite thing about Los Angeles?

The variety of everything that’s available. Food, concerts, museums, nature, there’s every imaginable variation of just about everything here.

What advice would you share with students applying to music schools right now?

Try a bunch of things and find out what really excites you about music and the arts, then do as much of that as you possibly can.

Why did you choose USC Thornton?

The professional network for sure. LA is where I want to stay long term, building those connections as early as possible will be very helpful for my career.