Ella Kaale (she/her)

Major(s): BM Composition


Class of 2025

Hometown: League City, TX

USC Organizations: Oriana Choir, Women & Gender Diverse Composers Network, Student Symphony Orchestra

What is your favorite place on campus and why?

The music library in Doheny is my favorite place on campus because it’s a great place to get distracted while you’re supposed to be writing an essay.

What is your go-to place for a delicious snack/meal on or around campus?

Coffee Bean inside SCA, the mango iced tea is life-changing!

What is your favorite thing about Los Angeles?

I love how close LA is a hub for so many beautiful places, the proximity to National Parks is just unbeatable. I love being able to see the mountains on clear days.

What advice would you share with students applying to music schools right now?

Stop comparing yourself to others and only focus on yourself. Every minute you spend thinking about how someone is doing better than you, you are wasting time you could spend building yourself up. Believing in your talent and worth is the most important step to your success.

Why did you choose USC Thornton?

I chose USC Thornton because it’s truly like no other music school in the country. There is such a variety of approaches to music, a rigorous yet supportive academic environment, and the amazing USC campus to host it. Thornton seemed like the best fit for me and I have no regrets.