Maren Alford (she/her)

Major(s): Popular Music Performance

Class of 2026

Hometown: Dallas, TX

USC Organizations: USC Thornton Ambassador/Tour guide

What is your favorite place on campus and why?

Alumni Park! I love picnicking with my roommate since the weather’s always so perfect!

What is your go-to place for a delicious snack/meal on or around campus?

Dulce, 100%.

What is your favorite thing about Los Angeles?

How much there is to do! It’s impossible to get bored.

What advice would you share with students applying to music schools right now?

Be yourself! They aren’t just looking to accept great musicians, but also great people!

Why did you choose USC Thornton?

Not only did I specifically want a conservatory experience inside of a larger academic school where I could get all of the “normal” college experiences, but the faculty is extremely personal and up-lifting. Being a female drummer, I feel like that’s something that I’m often judged for on the spot, but here at USC Thornton, what makes me different is celebrated!