MM Screen Scoring Program Page

Welcome to the Thornton School of Music and the Screen Scoring program! Along with information to help you get settled in the School of Music, this page contains information about your degree requirements, advisement meeting, and registration.

Program Director

Professor Jeanine Cowen

Department Coordinator

Khafre Johnson
TMC 118 – 213-740-3224

Academic Advisor

Dr. Viet Bui
TMC 200 – 213-740-4721

Requirements List

Familiarize yourself with your degree requirements, which includes non-course requirements. You will refer to this list each semester as you prepare for your advisement meeting with your advisor.

MM SCOR Requirements List

Sample Course Plan

The following course plan details the courses you will take each semester in your program.

MM SCOR 1-year plan

Music Graduate Entrance Exams (MGEEs)

Your program does not require any MGEEs. You should not plan to take any exams.

Advisement Meeting

Your academic advisor, Dr. Viet Bui, will be emailing you at your USC email account on July 29 with information regarding advisement and registration. This email will contain details and information you need to review in order to register for your classes in the coming semester.

Please be sure to have access to your myUSC portal during the advisement meeting so that you are able to use Web Registration.


You will be able to register for your classes in the coming semester during and immediately following your advisement meeting as long as you do not have a hold on your account and are able to log into Web Registration.