Sammy Rabinowitz (he/him)

Major(s): Popular Music Performance

Minor(s): Songwriting

Class of 2026

Hometown: Washington, D.C.

USC Organizations: Chabad at USC, USC Hillel

What is your favorite place on campus and why?

Carson Soundstage. My favorite classes, and epic performances.

What is your go-to place for a delicious snack/meal on or around campus?

Taco Bell.

What is your favorite thing about Los Angeles?

The sun.

What advice would you share with students applying to music schools right now?

Pick your audition songs wisely. They don’t just showcase your talent, but also your personality, style, interests, and capabilities.

Why did you choose USC Thornton?

The pop program is one of the most prestigious in the country. I wanted the chance to be in a small program at a big school, and also to study with my favorite drummer.