Posts Tagged ‘Classical Performance and Composition’

Formal portrait of Billy Childs dressed in black

Billy Childs premieres violin concerto at Grant Park Music Festival

July 12, 2022

​​GRAMMY Award-winning artist and Thornton alumnus Billy Childs (’79) premieres his Violin Concerto No. 2 at the Grant Park Music Festival in Chicago on July 15-16. The piece will be performed by the festival’s Project Inclusions String Quartet and features acclaimed violinist Rachel Barton Pine as a soloist. Grant Park Music Festival co-commissioned the composition,… Continue reading Billy Childs premieres violin concerto at Grant Park Music Festival

Photo of cellist Taeguk Mun holding his cello instrument.

Taeguk Mun named laureate of the 2022 Queen Elisabeth Competition

June 27, 2022

Cellist, current graduate certificate student and alumnus Taeguk Mun (MM ’20) was named a finalist, or laureate, at this year’s Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels. Mun has won first prize at various competitions, including the Pablo Casals competition in 2014, the Andre Navarra International Cello Competition and the National Sung-Jung Competition in Korea. He is… Continue reading Taeguk Mun named laureate of the 2022 Queen Elisabeth Competition

Roger Neill premieres new musical comedy with Westwind Orchard

June 22, 2022

On June 4, Westwind Orchard will host the premiere of the musical comedy Da Ponte by Roger Neill (’86), an alumnus of USC Thornton’s Composition program, and Niel Cohen. The comedy explores the life of famous librettist Lorenzo Da Ponte, his partnership with Mozart and how he came to run a grocery store in New… Continue reading Roger Neill premieres new musical comedy with Westwind Orchard

Grant Gershon photoraphed against blank backdrop

Grant Gershon’s 20th season with the LA Master Chorale celebrated by the LA Times

June 20, 2022

USC Thornton alumnus Grant Gershon (’85) recently celebrated his 20th season as the artistic director of the Los Angeles Master Chorale. The Los Angeles Times recognized this milestone with a story that explored how Gershon has transformed the LA Master Chorale into one of the country’s most adventurous and boundary-pushing choirs. Associate artistic director and… Continue reading Grant Gershon’s 20th season with the LA Master Chorale celebrated by the LA Times

Photo of Phoebe Jevtović Rosquist

Phoebe Rosquist leads performances at Berkeley Early Music Festival and Burning Man

June 15, 2022

USC Thornton Department of Choral & Sacred Music alum Phoebe Rosquist will be conducting several performances of Thomas Tallis’ Spem in alium, a 40-voice Renaissance motet for a capella choirs, at the 17th biennial Berkeley Festival and Exhibition on June 10-11. She will also be facilitating kecak, a chant and dance from Bali, at Burning… Continue reading Phoebe Rosquist leads performances at Berkeley Early Music Festival and Burning Man

Photo of Donald Crockett

Donald Crockett conducts piano quartet of Thornton alumni and faculty for MicroFest at The Wende Museum

June 3, 2022

USC Thornton Composition Program Chair Donald Crockett will conduct USC Thornton alumni Vicki Ray (DMA ’88), Steven Vanhauwaert (MM ’06, GCRT ’08) and Sarah Gibson (MM ’10, DMA ’15) and Thornton faculty member Aron Kallay in Ivan Wyschnegradsky’s “Music for Four Quarter-Tone Pianos” at MicroFest on June 3 at the Wende Museum. MicroFest is the… Continue reading Donald Crockett conducts piano quartet of Thornton alumni and faculty for MicroFest at The Wende Museum

Photo of a male student in a white suit outside.

David Riccobono joins St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

June 2, 2022

David Riccobono (MM ’19), an alumnus of the USC Thornton Winds & Percussion Department and a current graduate certificate student, will be joining the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra as the associate principal timpani and section percussion. Riccobono has previously played with groups such as the Long Beach Symphony, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Malaysian Philharmonic… Continue reading David Riccobono joins St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

Portrait of Rod Gilfry

Rod Gilfry makes debut as Claudius in Brett Dean’s “Hamlet” at The Met

May 24, 2022

On May 13, two-time GRAMMY nominee and Thornton Vocal Arts & Opera faculty member Rod Gilfry debuted as Claudius in the Metropolitan Opera Company premiere of Australian composer Brett Dean’s Hamlet, a bold adaptation of Shakespeare’s timeless drama. Gilfry is an acclaimed worldwide performer in opera, musicals and cabaret. Throughout his career, he has performed… Continue reading Rod Gilfry makes debut as Claudius in Brett Dean’s “Hamlet” at The Met

Photo of Cameron Williams

Thornton Keyboard Studies program student Cameron Williams featured in The Daily Trojan

May 23, 2022

Cameron Williams, a USC Thornton student majoring in piano performance and computer science games, discussed his passions for both music and designing video games in an article for the Daily Trojan. Williams began studying piano with USC Thornton faculty member Bernadene Blaha when he was a senior in high school, and he has continued to… Continue reading Thornton Keyboard Studies program student Cameron Williams featured in The Daily Trojan

Photo of Yura Lee holding a viola

Yura Lee named principal violist of Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra

May 20, 2022

USC Thornton Strings Department Associate Professor of Practice Yura Lee was appointed principal violist of the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO). Lee assumes her new post in the 2022-23 season. Lee is a recipient of the Lincoln Center’s prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant, and at age 12, she became the youngest artist to ever receive… Continue reading Yura Lee named principal violist of Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra