Posts Tagged ‘Classical Performance and Composition’

Ken Cazan praised in Opera News for directorial work on “Dead Man Walking”

September 25, 2014

USC Thornton Vocal Arts Chair and Resident Stage Director of USC Thornton Opera Ken Cazan recently directed a production of the opera Dead Man Walking for Central City Opera in Central City, CO. Opera News reviewed the work, calling Cazan’s directorial skills “some of his finest work here, mining the deep humanity of this opera and helping… Continue reading Ken Cazan praised in Opera News for directorial work on “Dead Man Walking”

Lauren Buckley-Schaer (DMA, ’13) named Interim Director of the University of California, Irvine Chamber Singers

September 24, 2014

Lauren Buckley-Schaer (DMA, ’13) was recently named the Interim Director of the University of California, Irvine Chamber Singers. She also currently serves as artistic director of the Hollywood Master Chorale. Previously, she was conductor of the Ebell Chorale and the assistant conductor of the Pasadena Master Chorale. The University of California, Irvine choirs have taken twenty-five international… Continue reading Lauren Buckley-Schaer (DMA, ’13) named Interim Director of the University of California, Irvine Chamber Singers

USC Thornton, New World Symphony bring classical music education online through MUSAIC

September 23, 2014


Tracy Carr (DMA, ’94) named Professor of Double Reeds at Eastern New Mexico University

September 23, 2014

Tracy Carr (DMA, ’94) was recently promoted to Professor of Double Reeds (Oboe) at Eastern New Mexico University. She also serves as Professor of Music History at ENMU. Tracy is a founding member of Trio Encantada and is active as a soloist, chamber musician, orchestral musician, clinician, and adjudicator.

Morgan Middleton to perform at Congressional Black Caucus Foundation events

September 22, 2014

Morgan Middleton (BM, ’15) will perform at the Celebration of Leadership in the Fine Arts, hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The CBCF advances the global Black community through premier research and educational advancement. Middleton, who currently studies under USC Thornton Vocal Arts faculty Cynthia Munzer, was also awarded the… Continue reading Morgan Middleton to perform at Congressional Black Caucus Foundation events

Apollo Men’s Chorus performs “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” conducted by Jason Saunders (MM, ’14)

September 20, 2014


Benjamin Adler wins National Repertory Orchestra’s general concerto competition

September 19, 2014

Benjamin Adler (MM ’14) was one of three winners in the National Repertory Orchestra’s general concerto competition. Adler, who studies with USC Thornton faculty Yehuda Gilad, performed the first movement of Carl Maria von Weber’s Clarinet Concerto, No. 1 in F minor. Adler is currently a freelance performer and private teacher in Los Angeles and holds the position of… Continue reading Benjamin Adler wins National Repertory Orchestra’s general concerto competition

USC Chamber Singers perform “Pure Imagination” arr. Matthew D. Nielsen (DMA ’16)

September 18, 2014


Annelle Gregory records album with USC Thornton DMA candidate Alexander Sinchuk

September 18, 2014

Current USC Thornton Strings student Annelle Gregory (BM, ’17) recently released an album of violin and piano works featuring USC Thornton DMA student, Alexander Sinchuk. The album, Annelle K. Gregory & Alexander Sinchuk: Grieg, Mozart, Szymanowski, includes Sonata for Violin and Piano in G major by Mozart, Sonata No. 3 for Violin and Piano by Grieg, and Nocturne and… Continue reading Annelle Gregory records album with USC Thornton DMA candidate Alexander Sinchuk

John Russell (DMA,’ 13) named artistic director of San Diego Master Chorale

September 18, 2014

John Russell (DMA,’ 13) was named artistic director of the San Diego Master Chorale. Russell previously worked as Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at California State University, San Bernardino. While at CSUSB, he taught applied voice, as well as courses in choral conducting, choral literature and music education. Russell is also… Continue reading John Russell (DMA,’ 13) named artistic director of San Diego Master Chorale