Jonathan Azu pictured in a suit and blue shirt, smiling to camera

Jonathan Azu launches Diversity in Music, a new jobs database for entertainment

Jonathan Azu, a faculty member in the Music Industry program and founder of management firm, Culture Collective, has launched Diversity in Music, a new jobs database for BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) and female music professionals seeking employment. The Diversity in Music site allows individuals in the entertainment sector who are looking for work to publish a profile including their availability, location, skillset and contact information. Hiring managers can easily search the site, discover, hire and diversify their workforce.

“It has always been my mission to shine a light on the importance of diversity and inclusion within the music industry,” said Azu. “In the wake of long overdue conversations being had about systemic racism in our industry, I wanted to provide an avenue to connect hiring managers with talented people of color as well as women, many of which have recently been forced into pandemic-related unemployment.”

TAGS: Contemporary Music, Contemporary Music Division, Music Industry,