Posts Tagged ‘Choral and Sacred Music’

Professional appointments for Choral students and alumni

July 30, 2015

Karsten Longhurst (pictured), USC Thornton Choral Music DMA candidate and former co-conductor of the Apollo Men’s Chorus, has taken the position of Director of Choral Studies at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. In addition to his work with several USC ensembles, Longhurst has served as music director for youth and adult choirs for the Church of… Continue reading Professional appointments for Choral students and alumni

Choral alum Robert P.D. Duff to direct Brandeis University program

July 15, 2015

USC Thornton Choral Music alumnus Robert P.D. Duff (DMA ’00) has been appointed to Brandeis University as Choral Conductor, where he will lead two choral ensembles, teach conducting and oversee their vocal program. He will continue as Artistic and Musical Director at the Handel Society at Dartmouth. Duff formerly served as Director of Music for… Continue reading Choral alum Robert P.D. Duff to direct Brandeis University program

Choral alumni enjoy appointments and accolades

June 10, 2015

Several USC Thornton alumni have made news recently for their extraordinary accomplishments. Troy Quinn (DMA ’14, choral music) has been appointed as conductor of the Juneau Symphony in Alaska, launching the orchestra’s 2015-16 performance season in October. In addition to his traditional conducting experience, Quinn has developed a strong career in the television and recording… Continue reading Choral alumni enjoy appointments and accolades

Alumnus Dominic Gregorio recognized with teaching award

May 8, 2015

USC Thornton Choral Music alumnus Dominic Gregorio (DMA ’12), currently an Assistant Professor with the University of Regina Music Department, has received the university’s New Faculty Teaching Award of Recognition, which acknowledges “significant teaching excellence, growth, and development for new faculty members.” While at USC, he served as conductor with the USC Thornton Opera, USC… Continue reading Alumnus Dominic Gregorio recognized with teaching award

Alum T.J. Harper receives Providence College teaching award

May 7, 2015

USC Thornton alumnus T.J Harper (DMA ’08, choral music), currently Director of Choral Activities/Music Education at Providence College in Rhode Island, received the 2014-2015 Joseph R. Accinno Teaching Award, which is presented annually “to the faculty member who best exhibits excellence in teaching, passion and enthusiasm for learning, and genuine concern for students’ academic and… Continue reading Alum T.J. Harper receives Providence College teaching award

Daniel Gee to take teaching position at Westmont College

May 7, 2015

USC Thornton Choral Music student Daniel Gee (MM ’15) will take a teaching position at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, his undergraduate alma mater, as a sabbatical replacement in Theory and Composition for the 2015-16 academic year. Gee is presently co-conductor of the USC Thornton University Chorus, which presented his English folksong arrangement, “The Ploughman,”… Continue reading Daniel Gee to take teaching position at Westmont College

DMA student Jenny Wong to conduct with Helmuth Rilling in Hong Kong

May 6, 2015

USC Thornton Choral Music DMA student Jenny Ching Yee Wong recently served as a conductor at the Norfolk Choral Workshop with Simon Carrington and at the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra Institute at Peabody Conservatory. This summer, Wong will both sing and conduct with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Helmuth Rilling.

Shou Ping Liu to take summer conducting role with Oregon Bach Festival

May 4, 2015

USC Thornton doctoral candidate Shou Ping Liu was selected as one of eight student conductors for the Oregon Bach Festival, which is held each summer in Eugene. In this role, Liu will work alongside Artistic Director Matthew Halls and Director Emeritus Helmuth Rilling. At USC Thornton, Liu studies choral conducting with Dr. Jo-Michael Scheibe and… Continue reading Shou Ping Liu to take summer conducting role with Oregon Bach Festival

Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna heard around the world in a single week

March 26, 2015

USC Distinguished Professor Morten Lauridsen’s beloved choral work, Lux Aeterna, spanned the globe this week. On Sunday, March 22, Lauridsen’s work was performed by members of the Fairfax Choral Society at Carnegie Hall. On Friday, March 27, the University of Aberdeen Chamber Choir, led by Choral & Sacred Music professor Suzi Digby, will perform Lux… Continue reading Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna heard around the world in a single week

Morten Lauridsen honored during residency at Cabrillo College

March 2, 2015

USC Distinguished Professor Morten Lauridsen recently spent a week as composer-in-residence at Cabrillo College in Santa Cruz. From Feb. 16 to 21, Lauridsen attended theory classes and band rehearsals, lectured about composing and life, and spent time with the Cabrillo Youth Chorus. The Santa Cruz Sentinel noted that on Feb. 21, four choruses from Cabrillo… Continue reading Morten Lauridsen honored during residency at Cabrillo College