Posts Tagged ‘Choral and Sacred Music’

Rodger Guerrero, DMA, to conduct ACDA Regional Honor Choir

January 16, 2014

Rodger Guerrero, a current DMA student in Choral Music, will conduct the American Choral Directors Association’s California Central Region Mixed High School Honor Choir for the 2014 season. Guerrero currently leads choral groups at Harvard-Westlake School in Los Angeles.

Music critics impressed by Britten “War Requiem” performance with USC Thornton musicians

November 27, 2013

The Los Angeles Times previewed and covered two performances of Benjamin Britten’s “War Requiem” that were part of the Britten 100 celebration. Members of the USC Thornton Symphony, USC Thornton Chamber Singers, and USC Thornton Concert Choir joined LA Opera music director James Conlon, the Colburn Orchestra, and many other choirs in performances at Walt… Continue reading Music critics impressed by Britten “War Requiem” performance with USC Thornton musicians

James Conlon partners with USC Thornton students in celebration of Britten

October 9, 2013

The Wall Street Journal mentioned that conductor James Conlon has been performing with students from USC Thornton. As music director of the Los Angeles Opera, Conlon will lead a series of concerts honoring composer Benjamin Britten. Highlight performances this fall include the colossal War Requiem featuring USC Thornton choirs, and The Prodigal Son with members of the USC… Continue reading James Conlon partners with USC Thornton students in celebration of Britten

Thornton Popular Music major appears on KCTV 5 News

September 23, 2013

KCTV 5 News featured popular music junior Nolan Frank for singing backup to Elton John at the Emmy Awards. John’s performance was part of a tribute to Librace whose life was told in the HBO biopic, Behind the Candelabra. As a piano player, Frank said John is an inspiration to him. “He’s been hugely influential… Continue reading Thornton Popular Music major appears on KCTV 5 News

Grant Gershon and USC Thornton Symphony to collaborate with Los Angeles Children’s Chorus

September 12, 2013

Choral alumnus Grant Gershon and the USC Thornton Symphony were mentioned in Pasadena Now’s preview of the Los Angeles Children’s Chorus (LACC) 2013-2014 season. The chorus will join the Los Angeles Master Chorale, led by Gershon, for performances of Orff’s seminal Carmina Burana at Walt Disney Concert Hall. In addition, LACC will appear on the… Continue reading Grant Gershon and USC Thornton Symphony to collaborate with Los Angeles Children’s Chorus

Thornton faculty and students join Britten 100 LA

September 12, 2013

The Los Angeles Times ran an article about the many classical music events happening around Los Angeles this Fall that feature music with strong political underpinnings. The article mentioned that Thornton faculty and students will perform with Los Angeles Opera music director James Conlon at the Britten 100 festival throughout L.A. later this year.

Choral Music MM Candidate chosen as finalist in composition competition

August 13, 2013

Master of Music in Choral Music student Jason Michael Saunders was selected as one of three finalists for the Young New Yorkers Chorus 10th Annual Competition for Young Composers. Saunders and the other two finalists will be commissioned to write a new work for the Young New Yorkers Chorus, which will be premiered in New York… Continue reading Choral Music MM Candidate chosen as finalist in composition competition

MLK Concert Features USC Thornton and Classical KUSC Performers

July 17, 2013

A national and local multiethnic lineup of classical and opera artists performed, on August 18, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the 1963 March on Washington. The Symphony of Brotherhood Concert was held at Zipper Hall at The Colburn School in Los Angeles and was… Continue reading MLK Concert Features USC Thornton and Classical KUSC Performers

USC Thornton Choral Music DMA-Candidate wins Sweepstakes Award

July 15, 2013

Michelle Jensen, USC Thornton DMA-Candidate in Choral Music, and her Azusa Pacific Chamber Singers won the Sweepstakes Award at the Internationaler Chorwettbewerb Spittal an der Dau choral competition in Austria. Congratulations to Michelle and her APU Chamber Singers.

“Sure On This Shining Night”

July 11, 2013