Posts Tagged ‘Classical Performance and Composition’

Kym Scott (DMA, ’15) appointed Visiting Assistant Professor and Director of Choral Activities at WVU

September 9, 2014

Current USC Thornton Choral Music student Kym Scott (DMA, ’15) was appointed Visiting Assistant Professor and Director of Choral Activities at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. She begins the position in Fall 2014. Scott also served as a presenter at the 10th Annual World Symposium on Choral Music in Seoul, South Korea this past summer.

Ana Guigui (DMA, ’13) named Associate Professor of Voice at the Berklee College of Music

September 8, 2014

USC Thornton alumna Ana Guigui (DMA, ’13) recently accepted a position as Associate Professor of Voice at the Berklee College of Music in Boston and will begin teaching this September. Guigui, who completed her Doctor of Musical Arts in Vocal Arts, will directly apply her training, abilities and experience towards this exciting new position. Guigui… Continue reading Ana Guigui (DMA, ’13) named Associate Professor of Voice at the Berklee College of Music

USC Thornton Percussion student Brice Burton wins Modern Snare Drum Competition

September 8, 2014

USC Thornton School of Music Percussion major Brice Burton (BM, ’15) took first place in Division I of the Modern Snare Drum Competition in May 2014. Organized by the Atlanta Symphony, this annual event for young percussionists attracts talent from all around the world. Burton is the first USC Thornton student to take top honors in the competition.

Lucinda Carver

Lucinda Carver serves as Sierra Summer Festival guest conductor

September 5, 2014

USC Thornton Professor of Practice in Classical Performance and Composition, Lucinda Carver, was the featured guest conductor at the Sierra Summer Festival in Mammoth Lakes, California this past August. Carver, who has been the Music Director and Conductor of the Los Angeles Mozart Orchestra for 11 years, has been praised for her stylistic interpretations of… Continue reading Lucinda Carver serves as Sierra Summer Festival guest conductor

Dale Trumbore

Dale Trumbore (MM, ’11) wins Busan Choral Composition Competition

September 4, 2014

Dale Trumbore (MM, ’11), a composition alumna who studied under the tutelage of Donald Crockett and Morten Lauridsen, recently won the Busan Choral Composition Competition. As a part of the win, Trumbore will travel Busan, South Korea in October. There, her piece “Chant for Winter” will be performed by the Korean Ansan City Choir. The former USC Sadye… Continue reading Dale Trumbore (MM, ’11) wins Busan Choral Composition Competition

Composition alumnus scores soundtrack for Universal Pictures’ “A Walk Among The Tombstones”

August 28, 2014

Carlos Rivera (MM ’04, DMA ’10) has recently scored the soundtrack for Universal Pictures’ upcoming release, A Walk Among The Tombstones, starring Liam Neeson. Rivera recently signed with agent Amos Newman at William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (WME), whose clients include Hans Zimmer, Trent Reznor and Ennio Morricone. Scoring his first motion picture allowed Rivera the… Continue reading Composition alumnus scores soundtrack for Universal Pictures’ “A Walk Among The Tombstones”

Choral and Sacred Music alumna named Director of UCLA Chorale and UCLA Chamber Singers

August 28, 2014

USC Thornton alumna, Lesley Leighton (DMA, ’12) has joined the UCLA Department of Music as both a Lecturer and as Director of the UCLA Chorale and UCLA Chamber Singers for the 2014-2015 academic year. Leighton, who received her DMA in choral music, has worked as the Associate Conductor of the Los Angeles Master Chorale, Artistic Director… Continue reading Choral and Sacred Music alumna named Director of UCLA Chorale and UCLA Chamber Singers

KUSC covers Schoenfeld String Competition in China

August 21, 2014

Gil Eichenthal, member of the USC Thornton Board of Councilors and a host for Classical KUSC is currently in Harbin, China, covering the newly launched Alice & Eleonore Schoenfeld International String Competition for the station. Held for the first time in 2013 in Hong Kong, the annual competition was established to continue the legacy of the… Continue reading KUSC covers Schoenfeld String Competition in China

USC Thornton Dean Robert Cutietta to advance artist fellowships in Latin America

August 8, 2014

USC Thornton School of Music Dean Robert A. Cutietta and USC Associate Provost Robin Romans will head to Mexico and Brazil in mid-September to promote the USC International Artist Fellowship, now in its second year, awarded to early career artists to pursue graduate study in one of USC’s preeminent arts schools, including the USC Thornton School… Continue reading USC Thornton Dean Robert Cutietta to advance artist fellowships in Latin America

Brent McMunn receives positive reviews for ‘Ariadne auf Naxos’

July 23, 2014

USC Thornton Vocal Arts faculty and musical director of the USC Thornton Opera Brent McMunn earned rave reviews for his conducting of Strauss’s Ariadne auf Naxos at Opera Theater of Pittsburgh’s Summerfest. The Pittsburgh Tribute noted that McMunn “conducted a superb performance” and “was impressive technically,” while the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette called the opera an”exhilarating theatrical experience.”… Continue reading Brent McMunn receives positive reviews for ‘Ariadne auf Naxos’