Posts Tagged ‘Choral and Sacred Music’

Kate Belshé (MM, ’13) appointed conductor of Jerusalem Oratorio Chamber Choir

September 16, 2014

USC Thornton Choral and Sacred Music alumna Kate Belshé (MM, ’13) was appointed conductor of the Jerusalem Oratorio Chamber Choir in Israel. The choir sings a varied repertoire of classical liturgical and secular music from the Renaissance to the present, including Israeli and Jewish music and arrangements of songs from around the world. The choir performs regularly… Continue reading Kate Belshé (MM, ’13) appointed conductor of Jerusalem Oratorio Chamber Choir

USC Thornton Distinguished Professor of Composition Morten Lauridsen honored at Bay Area choir festival

September 15, 2014

USC Thornton Distinguished Professor of Composition Morten Lauridsen was the guest of honor at this May’s “Morten Lauridsen Festival” in the San Francisco Bay Area. The event was held in conjunction with the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Valley Concert Chorale. The 2007 National Medal of Arts recipient hosted workshops for local high school and college choirs, as well as for… Continue reading USC Thornton Distinguished Professor of Composition Morten Lauridsen honored at Bay Area choir festival

Matthew Nielsen awarded Barlow Endowment Foundation commission

September 11, 2014

Current USC Thornton DMA student in Choral Music, Matthew Nielsen (DMA ’16), was awarded a Barlow Endowment Foundation commission to craft new work that will premiere in 2016 as a part of the Endowment’s performing consortium. Nielsen, who is currently studying under the tutelage of USC Distinguished Professor of Composition Morten Lauridsen, was selected from… Continue reading Matthew Nielsen awarded Barlow Endowment Foundation commission

Kym Scott (DMA, ’15) appointed Visiting Assistant Professor and Director of Choral Activities at WVU

September 9, 2014

Current USC Thornton Choral Music student Kym Scott (DMA, ’15) was appointed Visiting Assistant Professor and Director of Choral Activities at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. She begins the position in Fall 2014. Scott also served as a presenter at the 10th Annual World Symposium on Choral Music in Seoul, South Korea this past summer.

Choral and Sacred Music alumna named Director of UCLA Chorale and UCLA Chamber Singers

August 28, 2014

USC Thornton alumna, Lesley Leighton (DMA, ’12) has joined the UCLA Department of Music as both a Lecturer and as Director of the UCLA Chorale and UCLA Chamber Singers for the 2014-2015 academic year. Leighton, who received her DMA in choral music, has worked as the Associate Conductor of the Los Angeles Master Chorale, Artistic Director… Continue reading Choral and Sacred Music alumna named Director of UCLA Chorale and UCLA Chamber Singers

Work by Jason Michael Saunders (MM, ’14) reviewed in Choral Journal

June 11, 2014

“Monotone,” a choral composition by alumnus Jason Michael Saunders (MM, ’14), was reviewed in the most recent edition of the American Choral Directors Association publication, Choral Journal. “With beautifully conjunct phrasing and accessible yet interesting phrasing,” writes reviewer Steven Grives, “Saunders has created a choral setting that can be performed by both amateur and professional ensembles.”

Grant Gershon named Artistic Director of the Los Angeles Master Chorale

May 16, 2014

The Los Angeles Master Chorale announced that Music Director and USC Thornton alumnus Grant Gershon will continue at the choir’s helm through the 2019-2020 season with the new title of Artistic Director.  Gershon’s title change from Music Director to Artistic Director reflects the highly regarded conductor’s expanded vision to redefine the choral experience.

Jenny Ching Yee Wong, DMA, selected to attend Oregon Bach Festival

March 25, 2014

Jenny Ching Yee Wong, DMA student in Choral Music, has been selected as one of 6-8 conductors worldwide to attend the prestigious Oregon Bach Festival in Eugene, Oregon this summer. For three weeks, Jenny will be studying four major Bach choral-orchestral works and more with Helmuth Rilling and new artistic director Matthew Halls. Jenny will conduct the Festival Orchestra, choruses and… Continue reading Jenny Ching Yee Wong, DMA, selected to attend Oregon Bach Festival

Alumnus Christian Campos profiled by The Eastsider LA

February 6, 2014

Recent alumnus Christian Campos, who earned his DMA in Choral Music, was profiled by local news outlet The Eastsider LA. The publication said Campos’ work ethic and artistic sensibilities “are breathing new life into an ancient musical styling.”

Rodger Guerrero, DMA, to conduct ACDA Regional Honor Choir

January 16, 2014

Rodger Guerrero, a current DMA student in Choral Music, will conduct the American Choral Directors Association’s California Central Region Mixed High School Honor Choir for the 2014 season. Guerrero currently leads choral groups at Harvard-Westlake School in Los Angeles.