Posts Tagged ‘Musicology’

Students and faculty to present papers at Musicology conferences this summer

April 22, 2015

The USC Thornton Musicology department will be well-represented at scholarly conferences this summer, with students and faculty making several presentations. Doctoral student Meagan Mason will deliver a paper at the Loci in Musicology: Epicenters, Parallels, and Unity conference at Brandeis University on May 1-2, 2015. Alison Maggart (PhD ’15) will deliver a paper at the… Continue reading Students and faculty to present papers at Musicology conferences this summer

Paul Chaikin to present paper at MPSG conference in London

April 21, 2015

USC Thornton Musicology lecturer Paul Chaikin will present a paper entitled “Clamoring for Order and Serenity: Bells, Apophenia, and Modern Subjectivity” at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Royal Musical Association Music and Philosophy Study Group at King’s College London, in July of this year.

Photo of Sean Nye

Sean Nye publishes paper on influential Apple designer

April 20, 2015

USC Thornton Musicology professor Sean Nye recently released a scholarly publication about Hartmut Esslinger, the first lead designer for the Apple corporation. Esslinger worked at Apple with Steve Jobs from 1982-1986 and also designed with companies such as Sony and Microsoft. Sean Nye is a Provost’s Postdoctoral Scholar in the Humanities in the USC Thornton… Continue reading Sean Nye publishes paper on influential Apple designer

Joanna Demers shares insight into the history of Sci-Fi music

April 16, 2015

USC Thornton Musicology professor Joanna Demers was recently featured on NPR affiliate WBUR Boston speaking about the history of musical composition in science fiction film and television. On the Stylus radio show “The Sound of Science Fiction”, Demers spoke about composer Vangelis’ soundtrack for the 1982 film Blade Runner, noting that “The soundtrack … is… Continue reading Joanna Demers shares insight into the history of Sci-Fi music

Tim Page interviewed in Fanfare

April 2, 2015

Tim Page, USC Thornton Musicology professor and Pulitzer Prize-winning music critic, was interviewed for Fanfare magazine about his friendship with the great composer and critic Vigil Thompson. Last year, Page edited a two-volume chronicle of Thompson’s writings for the Library of America. In the interview, Page described his many years working alongside Thompson in the… Continue reading Tim Page interviewed in Fanfare

Early Music students and alumni present papers at several conferences

April 1, 2015

USC Thornton Early Music DMA alum Bianca Hall (DMA ’14) and current students Stacey Helley (MA and DMA) and William Rowley (PhD student in Musicology) had scholarly papers accepted at International Society for the History of Rhetoric in Tübingen, Germany. Last year, Hall and Helley contributed scholarly papers to the Annual Renaissance Conference of Southern… Continue reading Early Music students and alumni present papers at several conferences

Musicology chair Joanna Demers speaks about “Blurred Lines” verdict on NPR radio

March 25, 2015

Joanna Demers, USC Thornton chair of Musicology, was a featured guest on the NPR radio show, “On Point with Tom Ashbrook.” Demers, whose research and teaching interests include popular and experimental music since 1945, weighed in on the music copyright fight involving Robin Thicke and Pharrell William’s 2013 mega-hit, “Blurred Lines.” A Los Angeles jury… Continue reading Musicology chair Joanna Demers speaks about “Blurred Lines” verdict on NPR radio

Joanna Demers featured on the Today Show

February 24, 2015

NBC’s Joe Fryer interviewed Joanna Demers, chair of the Musicology program, in a segment for the Today Show about the pending trial to answer whether the Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams hit “Blurred Lines” sounds too much like soul singer Marvin Gaye’s 70’s hit “Got to Give It Up.”

Alison Maggart presents paper at American Musicological Society

February 20, 2015

USC Thornton student Alison Maggart (PhD ’15) presented her paper “America’s Past(time): Baseball, Atemporality, and Milton Babbitt’s Whirled Series,” at the American Musicological Society as a part of the American Modernisms portion of the annual meeting. Maggart, currently in pursuit of a PhD in Historical Musicology, is a recipient of a University of Southern California… Continue reading Alison Maggart presents paper at American Musicological Society

Joanna Demers’ book reviewed in journal Echo

January 27, 2015

Associate Professor of Musicology, Joanna Demers’ 2006 book, Steal This Music: How Intellectual Property Law Affects Musical Creativity, received a glowing review from Echo, a music-centered journal. The article praised the book for its exploration of intellectual property law and anti-piracy legislation in addition to “the tangled web” of “how copyright shapes the music we… Continue reading Joanna Demers’ book reviewed in journal Echo