Posts Tagged ‘Choral and Sacred Music’

Favorite Things About LA

January 1, 2019


Thornton Students: In Their Own Words

December 30, 2018


A Day in the Life: Kate Crellin

December 30, 2018


Dale Trumbore

Dale Trumbore wins ACDA’s Brock Competition for Professional Composers

November 29, 2018

Composition alumna, Dale Trumbore (MM ’11), won the American Choral Directors Association’s first Raymond W. Brock Competition for Professional Composers for her composition In the Middle. The work will be performed by the Aeolians at the 2019 ACDA national conference in Kansas City in February with Jason Max Ferdinand conducting. Trumbore has been called “a… Continue reading Dale Trumbore wins ACDA’s Brock Competition for Professional Composers

Thornton students host free community concerts

November 15, 2018

Rina Ritivoiu, a doctoral student in the Choral & Sacred Music program, created a free community concert series with musicians from Thornton that was featured in the Daily Trojan. As part of an assignment from her Arts Organization class with Professor Dana Gioia, Ritivoiu recruited 20 friends and peers to perform free concerts in communities… Continue reading Thornton students host free community concerts

Deutsche Grammophon releases Morten Lauridsen’s “Light Eternal”

November 9, 2018

Deutsche Grammophon’s “Light Eternal; The Choral Music of Morten Lauridsen” was released today. The new CD of Morten Lauridsen’s choral music was performed by The Chamber Choir of Europe and I Virtuosi Italiani conducted by Nicol Matt. Lauridsen spent a week in Kufstein, Austria last year to record with the 24-voice chorus comprised of singers… Continue reading Deutsche Grammophon releases Morten Lauridsen’s “Light Eternal”

Composer Jaco Wong collaborates with animation artist

October 15, 2018

Composer and conductor Jaco Wong (MM ’16, Choral and Composition) was commissioned by animation artist Evan Tedlock to compose Psithaura, a ritualized experience inspiring reflection on our relationship to nature, for 16-part mixed chorus. The work was premiered in April, 2018, in an interactive installation exhibited at the USC Firehouse art gallery, then was later… Continue reading Composer Jaco Wong collaborates with animation artist

Jenny Wong pictured outdoors smiling to the camera

Jenny Wong conducts the LA Master Chorale on tour

October 8, 2018

Jenny Wong, an alumna of the USC Thornton Choral Music program and associate conductor of the Los Angeles Master Chorale (LAMC), was warmly reviewed for her conducting of Orlando di Lasso’s Lagrine di San Pietro at the Melbourne International Arts Festival in Australia. The Renaissance madrigal cycle, which the LAMC is currently touring in an… Continue reading Jenny Wong conducts the LA Master Chorale on tour

Three new albums celebrate the music of Morten Lauridsen

September 25, 2018

This Fall marks an exciting lineup of album releases and concerts celebrating the music of Morten Lauridsen (’66, MA’68, DMA’74), USC Thornton Distinguished Professor of Composition and National Medal of Arts recipient. In October, the Chamber Choir of Europe and I Virtuosi Italiani chamber orchestra will release an all-Lauridsen disc on the Deutsche Grammophon label,… Continue reading Three new albums celebrate the music of Morten Lauridsen

Suzi Digby’s choral ensemble winds Opus Klassik award

September 7, 2018

The ORA Singers, a UK ensemble led by USC Thornton Choral & Sacred Music faculty member Suzi Digby, recently earned Best Ensemble of the Year at the Opus Klassik Awards. The London-based ensemble, currently in residence at LSO St. Luke’s, earned the award for its Many Are the Wonders album, which features music by Thomas… Continue reading Suzi Digby’s choral ensemble winds Opus Klassik award