Posts Tagged ‘Classical Performance and Composition’

Doctoral candidate Alin Melik-Adamyan shines at Centrum Chamber Music Workshop

October 2, 2015

Alin Melik-Adamyan (’12, MM ’14, piano), a doctoral candidate in USC Thornton’s Keyboard Collaborative Arts program, was one of two pianists invited to participate in the 2015 Chamber Music Workshop hosted by the Centrum Foundation in Port Townsend, Washington. Melik-Adamyan was nominated for the posting by Lucinda Carver, Vice Dean of Thornton’s Division of Classical… Continue reading Doctoral candidate Alin Melik-Adamyan shines at Centrum Chamber Music Workshop

Vocal Arts says “Welcome Back” to new and returning students, faculty, friends

September 30, 2015

Keyboard Collaborative Arts student HyeJung Shin performs in Austria and Japan

September 29, 2015

HyeJung Shin, currently a doctoral candidate in the USC Thornton Keyboard Collaborative Arts program under Alan Smith, attended the American Institute of Musical Studies (AIMS) in Graz, Austria this past summer. The annual program is a highly competitive training ground for musicians, with performances, masterclasses, and intensive study. Shin also performed at the International Double… Continue reading Keyboard Collaborative Arts student HyeJung Shin performs in Austria and Japan

Reflecting on Ken Butler’s extraordinary instruments

September 28, 2015

The USC News website has posted a brief article about artist/musician/inventor Ken Butler’s Visions & Voices presentation, “Hybrid Visions, Anxious Objects,” which was was organized by USC Thornton Composition faculty member Veronika Krausas and USC Roski ceramicist Karen Koblitz. The news story about the September 21 event noted that Butler “plucks, bows, strums and taps… Continue reading Reflecting on Ken Butler’s extraordinary instruments

Student Emily Browne takes principal position with Spokane Symphony

September 25, 2015

USC Thornton masters student Emily Browne has won the position of Johnston-Fix Principal Chair, Horn, with the Spokane Symphony Orchestra, under music director Eckart Preu. Browne currently studies with Kristy Morrell in the Winds and Percussion program.

Greg Reitan alumni jazz trio reviewed in ArtsJournal

September 24, 2015

Jazz pianist and USC Thornton alumnus Greg Reitan (’96, composition) was reviewed on the ArtsJournal blog for his new album, Post No Bills, which features fellow alumni Jack Daro (BA ’93, MM ’99) on bass and Dean Koba (MM ’93) on drums. The album has been well-received by critics. Reitan studied composition at USC Thornton… Continue reading Greg Reitan alumni jazz trio reviewed in ArtsJournal

Vijay Venkatesh wins prize in Seattle piano competition

September 23, 2015

Vijay Venkatesh (BM ’17, piano performance), currently a student in the USC Thornton Keyboard Studies program under Norman Krieger, has won second prize in the Seattle Symphony Piano Competition, earning $5000 and the opportunity to perform in concert with the symphony. Venkatesh will next perform in a chamber music recital with clarinetist Micah Wright at… Continue reading Vijay Venkatesh wins prize in Seattle piano competition

Composition alum Roger Zare wins first prize for orchestral work

September 22, 2015

USC Thornton Composition alumnus Roger Zare (BM ’07) won first prize at the 3rd Senzoku Contemporary Composition Competition for his orchestral composition, Tectonics. The competition was hosted by the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music in Tokyo, Japan and Zare’s work was performed by the Senzoku New Philharmonic Orchestra.

Morten Lauridsen artist-in-residence at Arcosanti urban laboratory

September 21, 2015

Morten Lauridsen, Distinguished Professor of Composition at USC Thornton and National Medal of Arts winner, was the artist-in-residence at the Arcosanti urban laboratory in rural Arizona from Sep. 14-19. The residency culminated in a concert celebrating Lauridsen’s choral works, including his beloved “Lux Aeterna,” featuring Orpheus Male Chorus of Phoenix, the NAU Shrine of the… Continue reading Morten Lauridsen artist-in-residence at Arcosanti urban laboratory

Evan Pensis shares sophisticated piano repertoire with prison audiences

September 17, 2015

Evan Pensis (BM ’16, piano), a fourth-year student in the USC Thornton Keyboard Studies program, has garnered press attention for his performances for prisoners at the Arizona State Prison in Florence, Arizona. The Florence Reminder & Blade Tribune profiled Pensis’ recent recital before an audience of 140 prisoners and guests, which included works by Stravinsky,… Continue reading Evan Pensis shares sophisticated piano repertoire with prison audiences