Posts Tagged ‘Classical Performance and Composition’

Weicheng Zhao and Fang Gao to perform at Calgary Organ Festival and Symposium

October 28, 2014

Current USC Thornton doctoral candidate Weicheng Zhao (MM ’14, DMA ’16) is one of two organists to perform on the Young Artists’ Platform during the Calgary Organ Festival and Symposium.  His wife Fang Gao (GCRT, ’16), who is currently a student in the Early  Music program, will join him in a concert at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer in… Continue reading Weicheng Zhao and Fang Gao to perform at Calgary Organ Festival and Symposium

Leland Sun (BM ’86, MM ’91) to perform works by Ren-Liang Wong (MM, ’83) at Tianjin Conservatory of Music

October 27, 2014

Leland Sun (BM ’86, MM ’91) will perform in a retrospective of works by fellow USC Thornton alumnus Ren-Liang Wong (MM, ’83) at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music in Tianjin, China on November 12. This concert will feature works written following the composer’s immigration to the United States including Six Sketches (1983), which Sun premiered at USC,… Continue reading Leland Sun (BM ’86, MM ’91) to perform works by Ren-Liang Wong (MM, ’83) at Tianjin Conservatory of Music

Francine Nguyen-Savaria (GCRT, ’13) to perform at Calgary Organ Festival and Symposium

October 24, 2014

Francine Nguyen-Savaria (GCRT, ’13) is one of two organists selected to perform on the Young Artists’ Platform during the Calgary Organ Festival and Symposium in Canada. She will perform the complete works for organ by Brahms over two recitals: at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer in Calgary on October 29, and at the Wyatt Recital… Continue reading Francine Nguyen-Savaria (GCRT, ’13) to perform at Calgary Organ Festival and Symposium

Cherry Rhodes to perform at Organ Artists Series of Pittsburgh

October 21, 2014

USC Thornton faculty member Cherry Rhodes will play the opening recital on the Organ Artists Series of Pittsburgh, presented by the Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, on October 26 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Rhodes will play selections by Brahms, Bach, Moussorgsky and Antalffy-Zsiross. The series is dedicated to promoting the performance, recognition and appreciation of organ music as an art form.

Andrew Stenvall awarded position of Principal Percussion with Illinois Symphony Orchestra

October 20, 2014

Current USC Thornton Percussion student, Andrew Stenvall (MM, ’15), recently won the position of Principal Percussion with the Illinois Symphony Orchestra. A student of USC Thornton’s Joseph Pereira and Jim Babor, Stenvall also participated in a trial week with the Winston Salem Symphony for a section percussion position. Additionally, he was also a runner-up for… Continue reading Andrew Stenvall awarded position of Principal Percussion with Illinois Symphony Orchestra

Tess Remy-Schumacher (MM ’89, DMA ’98) co-founds Center for Historical Performance at the University of Central Oklahoma

October 17, 2014

Tess Remy-Schumacher (MM ’89, DMA ’98) co-founded the first Center for Historical Performance at the University of Central Oklahoma with Dr. Ted Honea. Remy-Schumacher, who first attended USC Thornton as a Fulbright Scholar, completed her doctoral studies in Cello Performance under the supervision of celebrated USC Thornton faculty, the late Eleonore Schoenfeld. Remy-Schumacher currently serves as Professor… Continue reading Tess Remy-Schumacher (MM ’89, DMA ’98) co-founds Center for Historical Performance at the University of Central Oklahoma

Mak Grgic

Album by current student Mak Grgic receives praise from New York Times, Independent

October 16, 2014

Cinema Verisimo, the newest album by USC Thornton Classical Guitar doctoral candidate Mak Grgic, received praise from both the New York Times and the Independent (UK). The album features original arrangements of classical works written specifically for, or featured prominently in popular films, which the Independent called both “cleverly compiled” and “ingeniously arranged.”  Among the… Continue reading Album by current student Mak Grgic receives praise from New York Times, Independent

USC Thornton Opera Music Director Brent McMunn on Hans Werner Henze’s “The English Cat”

October 15, 2014


USC Thornton Chamber Singers featured on Chinese State Television

October 15, 2014

The USC Thornton Chamber Singers, one of the longest-running performance ensembles at the USC Thornton School of Music, was featured on Chinese State Television as a part of their trip to the 12th China International Choral Festival in Bejing during Summer 2014. In addition to being inclued in video coverage of the event, available to… Continue reading USC Thornton Chamber Singers featured on Chinese State Television

Student Stories: Erin Young (BM, ’16)

October 13, 2014
