Posts Tagged ‘Strings’

USC musicians to perform at LA Phil’s Noon to Midnight event

May 31, 2019

On Saturday, June 1 the LA Phil celebrates new music with their third-annual Noon to Midnight event, a twelve-hour marathon featuring many of California’s finest ensembles in pop-up performances around Walt Disney Concert Hall. The day-long lineup features several ensembles that feature USC Thornton musicians, including USC Thornton Percussion Group, HOCKET, Sakura Cello Quintet, Calder… Continue reading USC musicians to perform at LA Phil’s Noon to Midnight event

Remembering Alice Schoenfeld

May 29, 2019

USC Thornton mourns the loss of beloved violin professor Alice Schoenfeld, who, along with her sister Elenore, leaves a lasting legacy at USC.

Sydney Adedamola. (Photo by Ben Gibbs/LACO)

LA Orchestra Fellowship musicians featured on Spectrum News 1

May 9, 2019

Earlier this week, Spectrum News 1 caught up with the four members of the Los Angeles Orchestra Fellowship who are currently studying at USC Thornton as part of this groundbreaking initiative. Founded in 2018 in partnership with Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles and USC Thornton, the fellowship’s goal… Continue reading LA Orchestra Fellowship musicians featured on Spectrum News 1

Argus Quartet performs in Detroit

April 25, 2019

The Argus Quartet was recently invited by the Chamber Music Society of Detroit to perform two performances with the Juilliard String Quartet in the Detroit metro area. The Argus Quartet includes USC Thornton alumni Clara Kim (DM ’15, violin) and Jason Issokan (MM ’10, violin), along with violist Dana Kelley and cellist Jo Whang. As… Continue reading Argus Quartet performs in Detroit


Gernot Wolfgang collaborates with Thornton faculty and alumni on new album

March 27, 2019

USC Thornton alumnus Gernot Wolfgang (’94) just announced his new chamber music album Vienna and the West on Albany Records. The album, which was recorded over four days in May 2018, features Thornton faculty members Judith Farmer, Ben Hong and Andrew Shulman, as well as Thornton alumni Nic Gerpe (DMA ’12), Edgar Lopez (MM’ 15,… Continue reading Gernot Wolfgang collaborates with Thornton faculty and alumni on new album

The Argus Quartet performs at Chico State

February 27, 2019

The Argus Quartet made its first appearance in Chico, Calif. on February 17th in the Zingg Recital Hall on the Chico State University campus. The quartet, which is comprised of USC Thornton alumni Clara Kim (DMA ’15, violin) and Jason Issokson (MM ’10, violin) along with violist Dana Kelley and cellist Jo Whang, performed a… Continue reading The Argus Quartet performs at Chico State

Sarah Rommel earns glowing review

February 21, 2019

In January, the Hans India Newspaper gave cellist and USC Thornton alumna Sarah Rommel (GRCT ’14, MM ’16) a glowing review for her performance with the ‘State of the Art’ (SOTA) Resonance Festival presented by British Airways at the Trident in India. In an interview with the newspaper, Rommel discussed her love for travel and… Continue reading Sarah Rommel earns glowing review

Kevin Fitz-Gerald and Andrew Shulman perform at the Broad’s “Beethoven, Bagels & Banter”

February 20, 2019

Kevin Fitz-Gerald, a USC Thornton Keyboard Studies faculty member, and strings faculty member Andrew Shulman performed as part of the Broad’s monthly “Beethoven, Bagels & Banter” performance series this past Sunday. The trio – comprised of Fitz-Gerald on piano, Shulman on cello and Robert Davidovici on violin – presented works by Haydn and Brahms.

Viola Masterclass with Kim Kashkashian featured on

February 19, 2019

Kim Kashkashian, GRAMMY Award-winning violist and a professor at the New England Conservatory of Music, was recently featured on for her viola masterclass with USC Thornton String students this past January. The article dives into Kashkashian’s effective rapport with the students and discusses specific technical and instructional devices she used in the masterclass.

Callisto Trio

Callisto Trio earns standing ovation in Amsterdam

January 31, 2019

Keyboard Studies master’s student Katelyn Vahala (’18), and alumna cellist Annie Jacobs-Perkins ’18, are currently touring the Netherlands and Slovakia with the Callisto Piano Trio, which also features violinist Geneva Lewis. On Jan. 13, the trio earned a standing ovation for their performance of Schoenfield, Ives and Dvořák at Amsterdam’s famed concert hall, the Royal… Continue reading Callisto Trio earns standing ovation in Amsterdam