Posts Tagged ‘Strings’

Photo of David Allen Moore with double bass

David Allen Moore featured on “Contrabass Conversations” podcast

January 4, 2017

Bassist and USC Thornton Strings faculty member David Allen Moore was recently featured on the Contrabass Conversations podcast, hosted by musician Jason Heath. Moore was a guest on the podcast in 2009 and returned to the series by popular demand. Heath led Moore in a conversation about the creative process of practicing, reveling in successes,… Continue reading David Allen Moore featured on “Contrabass Conversations” podcast

Midori Goto holding violin

Midori Goto leads string quartet outreach tour to Nepal

December 21, 2016

Throughout the latter half of December, Midori Goto, Jascha Heifetz Chair in Violin at USC Thornton, will be bringing the gift of music to the people of Nepal. Touring the country as part of the International Community Engagement Program (ICEP), an offshoot of Midori’s nonprofit MUSIC SHARING organization, the violinist will lead a string quartet… Continue reading Midori Goto leads string quartet outreach tour to Nepal

Calder Quartet takes on notorious Morton Feldman work

December 16, 2016

The Calder Quartet, which includes USC Thornton alumni Benjamin Jacobson (BM’01, MM’07, violin), Andrew Bulbrook (BM ’02, violin), Jonathan Moerschel (BM ’01, MM ’03, viola) and Eric Byers (BM ’03, cello), recently performed Morton Feldman’s notorious String Quartet No. 2 at the Met Cloisters museum in New York City. The piece is five hours in… Continue reading Calder Quartet takes on notorious Morton Feldman work

Image of a teacher holding a cello.

Cellist Ralph Kirshbaum releases Beethoven album with pianist Shai Wosner

December 12, 2016

Cellist Ralph Kirshbaum, chair of the USC Thornton Strings department and artistic director of the Piatigorsky International Cello Festival, has released an album of Beethoven’s complete sonatas and variations for cello and piano with collaborator Shai Wosner. The two-disc set, which was released on December 9th by Onyx Classics, was recorded live at London’s Wigmore… Continue reading Cellist Ralph Kirshbaum releases Beethoven album with pianist Shai Wosner

Violinist, alumna Elizabeth Pitcairn performs on Trojan Vision

November 30, 2016

Violinist and USC Thornton Strings alumna Elizabeth Pitcairn (’02) recently appeared on Trojan Vision’s nightly talk show, CU@USC. Pitcairn discussed the history behind her legendary 1720 Red Mendelssohn Stradivarius violin and then performed with the instrument. close In her career as a soloist, Pitcairn has performed in concert halls such as the Kimmel Center, Carnegie… Continue reading Violinist, alumna Elizabeth Pitcairn performs on Trojan Vision

Tae Yeon Lim and Joseph Mendoes collaborate on Joachim Raff album

November 14, 2016

USC Thornton alumni Tae Yeon Lim (DMA ’15, piano) and Joseph Mendoes (BM ’04, cello) are featured on a new CD released by Toccata Classics. The album, Joachim Raff: Complete Music for Cello and Piano, marks the first time the complete cello and piano catalog of the 19th Century German-Swiss composer has been presented in… Continue reading Tae Yeon Lim and Joseph Mendoes collaborate on Joachim Raff album

Gamble House to host USC Thornton student concert series

November 8, 2016

This season, the iconic Gamble House in Pasadena will collaborate with USC Thornton to present a four-part music series entitled “House Music.” The 1908 showpiece of American Arts and Crafts architecture, a National Historic Landmark, is currently deeded to the city of Pasadena and managed by the USC School of Architecture. The first of four… Continue reading Gamble House to host USC Thornton student concert series

Georgi Dimitrov receives Maestro Foundation Viola Award

November 7, 2016

Georgi Dimitrov (MM ’14), a DMA candidate in the USC Thornton Composition program, recently received the Viola Award from the Maestro Foundation of Los Angeles, which supports the development of gifted young musicians. Dimitrov, who minors in viola performance at Thornton, was loaned a 2003 “Zanetto” viola and bow created by highly-regarded violin maker Mario… Continue reading Georgi Dimitrov receives Maestro Foundation Viola Award

Remembering violinist, alumnus Barry Socher

October 27, 2016

Violinist Barry Socher (’69, violin), an alumnus of USC Thornton and former Strings department faculty member who performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic for 35 years, recently passed away at the age of 68. While at USC, Socher studied with Alice Schoenfeld, Eudice Shapiro, Frederick Lesemann, Hans Beer, and Daniel Lewis. He also served as… Continue reading Remembering violinist, alumnus Barry Socher

Thornton musicians sweep Frances Walton Competition in Seattle

October 20, 2016

Mezzo-soprano and USC Thornton Vocal Arts & Opera graduate student Lesley Baird (MM ’15) was a winner of the 2016 Frances Walton Competition in Seattle, where she was accompanied by pianist and Keyboard Collaborative Arts DMA candidate Jasper Jimenez (MM ’13, GCRT ’15). Since winning the competition in July, the duo has presented several area… Continue reading Thornton musicians sweep Frances Walton Competition in Seattle