
Mak Grgic to perform at music festival in Seoul

April 6, 2015

Thornton Classical Guitar DMA student Mak Grgić will perform at Korea’s first Right Now Music festival in Seoul, South Korea on April 11th and 12th. Grgić’s latest album, Cinema Verismo, was recently released in Korea and he will perform songs from the album on KBS radio. Grgić recently performed at the Outside the Box festival… Continue reading Mak Grgic to perform at music festival in Seoul

Early Music students and alumni present papers at several conferences

April 1, 2015

USC Thornton Early Music DMA alum Bianca Hall (DMA ’14) and current students Stacey Helley (MA and DMA) and William Rowley (PhD student in Musicology) had scholarly papers accepted at International Society for the History of Rhetoric in Tübingen, Germany. Last year, Hall and Helley contributed scholarly papers to the Annual Renaissance Conference of Southern… Continue reading Early Music students and alumni present papers at several conferences

Thornton Orchestra musicians to perform rare Paisiello opera under LA Opera maestro James Conlon

April 1, 2015

Members of the USC Thornton Symphony orchestra will join singers from LA Opera’s Domingo-Colburn-Stein Young Artist Program in performances of Giovanni Paisiello’s “The Barber of Seville,” under the guidance of LA Opera’s Music Director, James Conlon. Paisiello’s rarely-performed comic opera was composed 34 years before Rossini’s more widely-known adaption. Paisiello’s “Barber of Seville” will be… Continue reading Thornton Orchestra musicians to perform rare Paisiello opera under LA Opera maestro James Conlon

Thornton faculty and student performers featured at 2015 USC Trustee Conference

March 30, 2015

The USC Thornton Latin Jazz Ensemble and USC Thornton Chamber Orchestra were featured as part of the university’s 2015 Trustee Conference, which was held in La Quinta, California, during the last weekend of March. The Thornton Latin Jazz Ensemble presented an evening of Brazilian bossa nova under the guidance of Jazz Studies lecturer Aaron Serfaty
,… Continue reading Thornton faculty and student performers featured at 2015 USC Trustee Conference

USC Thornton senior Stefani Feldman awarded Fulbright Scholarship

March 27, 2015

Clarinetist Stefani Feldman (BM ’15) has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. A student of USC Thornton faculty Yehuda Gilad and a USC Trustee Scholarship recipient, Feldman will travel to Oslo, Norway, to study with Björn Nyman, principal clarinetist of the Norwegian Radio Orchestra and Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, at the Norwegian Academy of Music for the… Continue reading USC Thornton senior Stefani Feldman awarded Fulbright Scholarship

Doctoral student Eun Cho publishes two music education articles

March 24, 2015

USC Thornton Music Education doctoral candidate Eun Cho has had two articles published in music education journals. “What do mothers say? Korean mothers’ perceptions of children’s participation in extra-curricular musical activities” was published in Music Education Research, while The Korean Journal of Research in Music Education, published “Music education and intelligence: A literature review.” Cho… Continue reading Doctoral student Eun Cho publishes two music education articles

Cardinal Winds sextet win Grand Prize at Plowman Chamber Music Competition

March 23, 2015

The Cardinal Winds woodwinds sextet has been awarded the Grand Prize in the 2015 Plowman Chamber Music Competition in Columbia, MO. The ensemble, which formed at USC Thornton in 2014, features Catherine Baker, flute (GCRT), Zachary Pulse, oboe (GCRT), Kelsi Doolittle, clarinet (MM), Alex Garcia, bassoon (MM ’13), Carrie Rexroat, horn (MM) and Hedy Lee,… Continue reading Cardinal Winds sextet win Grand Prize at Plowman Chamber Music Competition

John Hallberg to perform at Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall and 17th World Saxophone Congress

March 19, 2015

Saxophonist John Hallberg was recently awarded first prize in the American Protégé International Woodwind and Brass Competition. The USC Thornton DMA candidate also received the Judges Distinction Award and was invited to perform at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall on Sat., March 21. In July, Hallberg will travel to Strasbourg, France to perform… Continue reading John Hallberg to perform at Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall and 17th World Saxophone Congress

Cardinal Winds sextet to perform in annual Clyde Montgomery Concert in Pasadena

March 18, 2015

The Cardinal Winds woodwind sextet will perform in the Clyde Montgomery Concert at Shumei Hall in Pasadena on March 29. The ensemble, which formed at USC Thornton in 2014, features Catherine Baker, flute (GCRT), Zachary Pulse, oboe (GCRT), Kelsi Doolittle, clarinet (MM), Alex Garcia, bassoon (MM ’13), Carrie Rexroat, horn (MM) and Hedy Lee, piano… Continue reading Cardinal Winds sextet to perform in annual Clyde Montgomery Concert in Pasadena

Piano student Josephine Yang featured as soloist in two orchestral concerts

March 11, 2015

USC Thornton piano student Josephine Yang (MM ’16) received glowing reviews for her recent performances with the Sierra Vista Symphony Orchestra and the Orquesta Filarmónica de Sonara under guest conductor Keitaro Harada. The Sierra Vista Herald reported that “The audience was not disappointed, as a long, loud standing ovation began even as the last note… Continue reading Piano student Josephine Yang featured as soloist in two orchestral concerts