Posts Tagged ‘Strings’

Thornton alumni perform on Grammy winning Partch album

March 12, 2015

USC Thornton alumni Alison Bjorkedal (MM ’05, DMA ’08, harp) and Nick Terry (DMA ’11, percussion) performed on the Partch ensemble’s Grammy award-winning album, Plectra & Percussion Dances. In addition to performing with Partch, Bjorkedal teaches harp and is a member of Southwest Chamber Music, Golden State Pops Orchestra and MUSE/IQUE. Terry performs with the… Continue reading Thornton alumni perform on Grammy winning Partch album

Glenn Dicterow featured in San Francisco Chronicle

March 6, 2015

The San Francisco Chronicle featured USC Thornton faculty Glenn Dicterow, noting that he would perform with the New Century Chamber Orchestra in the Bay Area this week. After more than three decades as concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic, Dicterow joined the faculty of the USC Thornton School of Music in 2013 as the first… Continue reading Glenn Dicterow featured in San Francisco Chronicle

Arnold Steinhardt visits USC Thornton for chamber music masterclass

March 2, 2015

Renowned violinist Arnold Steinhardt, a founding member of the Guarneri String Quartet, visited USC Thornton for a chamber music masterclass on Feb. 20 at Simon Ramo Recital Hall. Steinhardt, who is a professor of violin and chamber music at Bard College, Curtis Institute, The Colburn School and University of Maryland, coached three student chamber groups,… Continue reading Arnold Steinhardt visits USC Thornton for chamber music masterclass

USC Thornton faculty harpist JoAnn Turovsky featured in The Opera League of Los Angeles newsletter

January 26, 2015

USC Thornton harp faculty JoAnn Turovsky, was featured in a piece for The Opera League of Los Angeles newsletter, BRAVO, detailing her career as a harpist in the Los Angeles Opera. In it, Turovsky – who began playing the harp at seven – describes her work in the LA Chamber Orchestra, the LA Master Chorale,… Continue reading USC Thornton faculty harpist JoAnn Turovsky featured in The Opera League of Los Angeles newsletter

Roger Myers elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London

January 20, 2015

Thornton alum Roger Myers (BM ’90, MM ’92), a professor of viola at the University of Texas at Austin, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London in November of 2014. The Royal Society of arts describes itself as a worldwide community of achievers from a wide array of backgrounds and… Continue reading Roger Myers elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London

Green Umbrella performance features USC Thornton faculty Brian Head, Marion Kuszyk and student Eric Jacobs

January 14, 2015

The Los Angeles Times reviewed the L.A. Phil’s Green Umbrella series concert in December featuring a program of new music by composers from Germany, Switzerland and Italy as well as a mid-20th century classic by Karlheinz Stockhausen. Titled the “European Avant-Garde,” the concert featured Thornton faculty Brian Head, chair of the Classical Guitar program; Marion… Continue reading Green Umbrella performance features USC Thornton faculty Brian Head, Marion Kuszyk and student Eric Jacobs

Ruslan Biryukov celebrates Glendale Philharmonic’s 5th anniversary

January 14, 2015

The Glendale Philharmonic celebrated its fifth anniversary on Sat., Jan. 10 at the First Baptist Church of Glendale. A recent feature in the Los Angeles Daily News mentioned that non-degreed alumnus Ruslan Biryukov (GCRT, ARTD, violoncello) founded the Glendale Philharmonic 5 years ago and is now its artistic director. “Our mission,” says Biryukov of the… Continue reading Ruslan Biryukov celebrates Glendale Philharmonic’s 5th anniversary

USC Thornton celebrates final Charles Dickens Dinner

January 5, 2015

Friends and fans of the USC Thornton School of Music celebrated the holiday season as they have for more than a quarter of a century – at the Charles Dickens Dinner. The Dec. 12 event, titled “Remembering Dickens Past,” raised money for scholarships. Three talented student musicians – Annelle Kazumi Gregory, Tina Huynh and Max… Continue reading USC Thornton celebrates final Charles Dickens Dinner

Karen Dreyfus and Glenn Dicterow perform at homeless shelter with Music Kitchen, Los Angeles

December 5, 2014

Violinist Kelly Hall-Thompkins launched the grand opening of the Music Kitchen, Los Angeles on Dec. 4 with a performance featuring USC Thornton faculty Karen Dreyfus and Glenn Dicterow. The concert at the Good Shepherd Center near Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles was the 73rd concert in the series, but the first in Los Angeles.… Continue reading Karen Dreyfus and Glenn Dicterow perform at homeless shelter with Music Kitchen, Los Angeles

Kevin Brown wins position of principal bass with Detroit Symphony Orchestra

November 24, 2014

USC Thornton graduate certificate student Kevin Brown won the position of principal bass of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, where he began playing this summer. Brown has performed with the Houston Symphony, the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Atlanta Symphony, in addition to performing in dozens of music festivals throughout America and abroad. A student of USC… Continue reading Kevin Brown wins position of principal bass with Detroit Symphony Orchestra