Posts Tagged ‘Classical Division’

Pianist Norman Krieger to leave USC after 19 years

June 24, 2016

The USC Thornton Division of Classical Performance and Composition and the Keyboard Studies department congratulate Norman Krieger on his appointment to the faculty of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. An acclaimed and engaging pianist, Krieger joined the USC Thornton faculty in 1997 and many of his students have won top international prizes and… Continue reading Pianist Norman Krieger to leave USC after 19 years

Thornton alumni receive orchestral and academic appointments

June 22, 2016

Four talented USC Thornton alumni have recently been selected for distinguished orchestral and academic positions throughout the region. Joe Morris (’12, clarinet) won principal clarinet in the Pacific Symphony, where he will performer under the direction of Carl St.Clair, who also serves as Artistic Leader and Principal Conductor of the USC Thornton Orchestras. The Las… Continue reading Thornton alumni receive orchestral and academic appointments

Cristian Grases premieres new choral work at Carnegie Hall

June 20, 2016

Cristian Grases, a member of the USC Thornton Choral and Sacred Music faculty, recently premiered his new composition entitled Nocturnos y Adivinanzas (Nocturnes and Riddles) with Distinguished Concerts International New York. The June 12th concert, held at Carnegie Hall, included a chorus of 200 young singers from across the U.S. The six-movement Nocturnos y Adivinanzas… Continue reading Cristian Grases premieres new choral work at Carnegie Hall

Keyboard faculty teach, conduct and perform across the U.S. this summer

June 16, 2016

Lucinda Carver, vice dean of the USC Thornton Division of Classical Performance and Composition, will conduct two programs at the Music in the Mountains festival in Northern California this month. On June 26, she will lead an all-Mozart program, followed on June 28 by a program featuring Holst, Vaughn Williams, and Dvořák. This month, Carver… Continue reading Keyboard faculty teach, conduct and perform across the U.S. this summer

GCRT candidate Sung Chang wins second price at San Antonio piano competition

June 14, 2016

Sung Chang, a GCRT candidate in the USC Thornton Keyboard Studies program, won the Silver Medal at the San Antonio International Piano Competition (SAIPC) on June 11. A student of faculty member Jeffrey Kahane, Chang performed Haydn’s Sonata in E Major, Hob. XVI:31, Ravel’s La valse, Debussy’s Prelude, Book 1, No. 6, and Granados’ Valses… Continue reading GCRT candidate Sung Chang wins second price at San Antonio piano competition

American Composers Orchestra to perform work by Sarah Gibson

June 9, 2016

Sarah Gibson (MM ’10, DMA ’15), a member of the USC Thornton Composition faculty, is one of seven composers whose works will be performed by the American Composers Orchestra (ACO), an ensemble dedicated to reading and performing new contemporary classical music. The ACO’s 25th annual Underwood New Music Readings concert will take place on June… Continue reading American Composers Orchestra to perform work by Sarah Gibson

Alumnus Matthew Howard named principal percussionist for LA Phil

June 6, 2016

USC Thornton alumnus Matthew Howard (BM ’12) has been named principal percussionist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil). After completing his undergraduate degree at Thornton under director of Percussion Studies Joseph Pereira and James Babor, Howard went on to earn his master’s degree from the New England Conservatory. Most recently, Howard was a percussionist… Continue reading Alumnus Matthew Howard named principal percussionist for LA Phil

PICF ’16: “The New Yorker” reflects on the Piatigorsky International Cello Festival

June 1, 2016

Alex Ross, music critic for the New Yorker, has published a review of the Piatigorsky International Cello Festival in the magazine’s June 6/13 issue. Surveying the Festival’s programming in the context of both repertory and style, Ross highlighted soloists Yo-Yo Ma, Mischa Maisky, Sol Gabetta, Zuill Bailey, David Geringas, Thomas Demenga, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Colin Carr,… Continue reading PICF ’16: “The New Yorker” reflects on the Piatigorsky International Cello Festival

Oboist Allan Vogel retires from the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra

May 26, 2016

Oboist Allan Vogel, a member of the USC Thornton Winds & Percussion faculty, has retired as principal oboe with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO) after 44 years with the ensemble. Called “an aristocrat of his instrument, an oboe virtuoso with few equals,” by the Los Angeles Times, Vogel joined LACO in 1972 and was… Continue reading Oboist Allan Vogel retires from the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra

PICF ’16: Festival Media Roundup #3

May 20, 2016

The festival has offered a remarkable week of music making and has a full schedule through the weekend. The Huffington Post has already published a list of “Ten Essential Picks for the Piatigorsky International Cello Festival.” Where Magazine featured the festival under the “Hot Dates” section of its April issue and included it online as… Continue reading PICF ’16: Festival Media Roundup #3