Posts Tagged ‘Choral and Sacred Music’

Jenny Wong pictured outdoors smiling to the camera

Jenny Wong named assistant conductor of the Los Angeles Master Chorale

May 5, 2016

Jenny Wong (MM ’13, choral), a DMA candidate in the USC Thornton Choral & Sacred Music program, has been named assistant conductor of the Los Angeles Master Chorale (LAMC). She has previously served as a conducting fellow for the Oregon Bach Festival, Baltimore Chamber Orchestra, Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, the Distinguished Concerts International New York,… Continue reading Jenny Wong named assistant conductor of the Los Angeles Master Chorale

Student Jacob Broussard wins Mays Undergraduate Fellowship

April 27, 2016

USC Thornton Choral & Sacred Music undergraduate Jacob Broussard (BA ’18, choral music) is the recipient of a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship. The program is the centerpiece of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s effort to increase diversity in the faculties of colleges and universities by assisting promising undergraduates in their academic endeavors. The fellowship identifies… Continue reading Student Jacob Broussard wins Mays Undergraduate Fellowship

Cristian Grases leads the Miami Children’s Chorus

April 13, 2016

USC Thornton Choral & Sacred Music faculty member Cristian Grases recently led the members of the Miami Children’s Chorus in a sing-along entitled “Sing Miami: Music of the Americas.” The April 9th community event was created to inspire a love of choral music for Miami-area children while celebrating the diverse backgrounds of people in the… Continue reading Cristian Grases leads the Miami Children’s Chorus

Christopher Gravis named Director of Choral Activities at CSULA

April 11, 2016

Christopher Gravis, a doctoral candidate in the USC Thornton Choral & Sacred Music program, has been named the Director of Choral Activities at California State University Los Angeles (CSULA). Gravis has gained an international reputation as a leading conductor of choral and orchestral works, recently debuting with the San Diego Symphony and leading week-long residencies… Continue reading Christopher Gravis named Director of Choral Activities at CSULA

Step into the choir room with alumnus Jason Saunders

February 24, 2016

USC Thornton Choral & Sacred Music alumnus Jason Saunders (MM ’14) has been featured in a brief video documenting the choral program of the Bethel, Washington, School District. Saunders, who is Director of Choirs at Graham-Kapowsin High School in Graham, Washington, won the Outstanding Emerging Choral Director Award from the Washington State chapter of the… Continue reading Step into the choir room with alumnus Jason Saunders

Apollo Men’s Chorus releases new album

February 9, 2016

The USC Thornton Apollo Men’s Chorus released an album in December, commemorating the ensemble’s growth and success from 2013 to 2015. In the fall of 2013, the group consisted of just 12 artists, including former conductor Karsten Longhurst. Today, the ensemble has grown to over 50 singers and has become a tight knit group of… Continue reading Apollo Men’s Chorus releases new album

Royce Saltzman receives Lifetime Achievement Award at World Choral Expo

January 12, 2016

USC Thornton alumnus Royce Saltzman (DMA ’63), a highly esteemed leader in the field of choral music, received the International Federation for Choral Music’s ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ at the World Choral Expo in Macau, China, in November. Saltzman was instrumental in founding IFCM and served as the group’s President for eight years. Saltzman is also… Continue reading Royce Saltzman receives Lifetime Achievement Award at World Choral Expo

Chamber Singers awarded 2015 American Prize

January 5, 2016

The USC Thornton Chamber Singers, led by Jo-Michael Scheibe, have been awarded the 2015 American Prize in Choral Music in the University/College Division. The American Prize series celebrates artistic excellence in a number of creative disciplines. Formed as the Madrigal Singers in 1939, the Chamber Singers have been hailed as a model of excellence since… Continue reading Chamber Singers awarded 2015 American Prize

Jo-Michael Scheibe conducts a choir of 680 students

October 22, 2015

Jo-Michael Scheibe, chair of the USC Thornton Choral and Sacred Music department, conducted a group of 680 high school choristers from across the state of Utah at the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City on October 10. Their 30 minute All State Choir program was preceded by a performance of the University of Utah Chamber… Continue reading Jo-Michael Scheibe conducts a choir of 680 students

Music education and choral alumni win professional awards

August 24, 2015

Several USC Thornton alumni have won significant awards in recent months. Dr. Lorna Zemke (MM ’68, DMA ’73, music education), formerly the Director of Graduate Music at Silver Lake College in Wisconsin, was awarded the International Katalin Forrai Award by the International Kodaly Society (IKS) for her contributions to Early Childhood Music Education. Fellow Music… Continue reading Music education and choral alumni win professional awards